If you eat avocados, you know how difficult it is to get the perfectly ripe avocado!  The are basically too hard or suddenly overripe so I was really curious about the videos I’ve seen posted lately on how to manage these issues.

The 10 Minute Heated Ripening Method

This is the newest of the methods, I was excited about the speed in case of avocado emergency.  Here is what you do:

REVIEW:  Although it did soften the avocado I wouldn’t exactly call it “ripe”.  It didn’t have the full flavour and the texture wasn’t exactly right, it would be OK for guacamole but if you want to eat it fresh as a side or in a salad, it isn’t ideal.

The Overnight Brown Bag Method

You need 1 piece ripe fruit, a banana or apple is great, one paper bag and 24hrs.  Watch the video for instructions:

REVIEW:  This actually works for me but it isn’t 100%.  Some days it works sometimes it doesn’t.   Sometimes I think it would be ready that day anyways.

The Salt Method and how to slow the ripening process!

I have yet to try these but I am super excited.  A) This lady is a real chef and B) a bag full of overripe avocados is the worst of all sins!

Try these out and let me know how they work for you!

Filed under: Avocados, cooking, Food, Life Hacks