The staff at JACK 102.3 have a problem with motivation AND stubbornness so we have decided to challenge each other to give up our vices for 102 days. What do we win if we make it through the 102 days? Pride, bragging rights and knowing we are the superior person.

listen to Curtis & Hilary talking about it on Jack Mornings

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The JACK 102 Day Challenge Starts Tomorrow! What Would You Give Up?

Originally Aired: Feb 21, 2018

Here is what we are giving up!

Curtis: Cigarettes
Hilary: Bread and Bread Products
Loop: Coca Cola
Amanda: Sugar
Jaynel: Chips

So how is everyone doing?




Want to join our challenge?

Tell us what your vice is! We might check in with you throughout the 102 days.

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Share your journey with us on social media with #JACK102DayChallenge