Yes I am a Star Wars fan.  To me there are 3 levels – casual fan, the super fan and the “I’m dressing up to go to the premiere fan”.  I feel I sit in the super fan category as Star Wars has had a huge impact on my life plus I have bought multiple versions of the movie and own the much bootlegged (and horrible) Star Wars Christmas Special.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the second movie in the new rebooted star wars series that follows The Force Awakens WHICH is episode 7 in the Star Wars saga if you are counting.

It’s hard to give a complete review as so much happened in this movie I was a bit overwhelmed and need a second viewing.  On my first watching here are some of my thoughts…

Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill) is incredible

It’s a great mix of drama and comedic moments we’ve come to expect

The new characters introduced into this episode such as ROSE are a welcome addition to the series

Porgs are awesome!

There some weird and questionable story and character choices but they may be fleshed out in the next movie (as this is the second of a trilogy)

I will miss Carrie Fisher.

This a fantastic addition to the Star Wars saga and can’t wait to see it again…and again…and again….