On the eve of International Women’s Days Sophie Gregoire Trudeau took to social media to urge women to post a picture of them holding hands with their male allies.

Are you ready to ignite change? This week, as we mark International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the boys and men in our lives who encourage us to be who we truly are, who treat girls & women with respect, and who aren’t afraid to speak up in front of others. Take a picture holding hands with your male ally & share it on social media using the hashtag #TomorrowInHand. Together, we can create a movement that inspires more men to join the fight to build a better tomorrow with equal rights & opportunities for everyone… because #EqualityMatters. ? Êtes-vous prêtes à faire des étincelles pour allumer un changement ? Cette semaine, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des femmes, célébrons les garçons et les hommes qui nous encouragent à être qui nous sommes vraiment, qui traitent les filles et les femmes avec respect et qui n’ont pas peur de parler haut devant les autres. Prenez une photo main dans la main avec votre allié et diffusez-la dans les médias sociaux avec le mot-clic #DemainEnMains. Ensemble, nous pouvons susciter un mouvement qui incitera davantage d’hommes à lutter avec nous pour des lendemains meilleurs, l’égalité des droits et des chances pour tous … parce que l’#Égalitécompte.

A post shared by Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (@sophiegregoiretrudeau) on

She got a lot of criticism from feminists and other politicians for making a day about the power of women about their male counterparts.

Although, I will agree that true equality does require buy-in from everyone including men  but that doesn’t mean you hand a day meant to celebrate fierce women back over to men.  Perhaps it would have been more effective if Justin had made a post encouraging men to post pictures of themselves holding hands with the empowered women in their lives and stand along side them. A better call perhaps, would have been for Justin to call for the pics of hand holding to show that men are allies to women.  Honestly, what bothers me most about this issue that on a day when women should be lifting each other up, critics are beating Sophie down in a mean way.   I can guarantee that Sophie had good intentions here, and there must be a kinder, more supportive way to point out Sophie’s misstep rather than trolling her online.

What do you think about Sopie’s International Women’s Day Post?

Filed under: Equality, International Women's Day, Sophie, Trudeau