It’s not the card that says ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year’ or ‘all is merry and bright’…Sometimes, things need just a little less tinsel!

What got me thinking, was this one gift tag I received a couple years back, that was perfectly (in)appropriate!

I even kept it!




The gift that was attached to this tag was an extremely oversized, fire-engine red Christmas sweatshirt that reads ‘This Girl Loves Christmas’ with two giant thumbs pointing at me!

The tag couldn’t have been more accurate! I absolutely love that sweatshirt, and pull it out every opportunity I can. The gift-giver, however, wouldn’t have been caught dead in the bright red display.


This led me on a hunt for more wonderfully (in)appropriate holiday cards, so here goes!


We understand this one:




Literally everyone knows how excruciating this is. 




Singing loud for all to hear, definitely comes after the ice cold beer! 

[Pixel Paper Hearts]
[Pixel Paper Hearts]



There’s too much pressure on it anyway!




So maybe not the decorating, but the food is manageable!




And my all-time favourite! 

Cafe Press
[Cafe Press]


Happy Ho Ho! 




Filed under: Cards, Christmas, christmas-cards, festive, holiday