
I’m a bargain hunter. There isn’t a yard sale or flea market that I won’t stop at… but I have my limits. Expired food is a no go for me. Call it my “fear of getting food poisoning”.

While on vacation, I discovered a flea market (NOT a grocery store) selling Beef Bouillon cubes (you know the awesome gell kind) for .25 cents (a product that normally would sell for approx $4.)

25 cents!! What a bargain.

Or was it.

Ask yourself this.. what would the expiry date on the beef bouillon need to be for you to purchase it for .25 cents.

Scroll down for the answer.


And for me the answer was NO NO NO.

Is it even legal to sell a food product that is 4 years past it’s expiry date? Maybe flea markets make their own rules 🙂


Filed under: Flea Market, Funny, Would You?