Fairy Doors in Ann Arbour
Fairy Doors in Ann Arbour

Ah man.. I am such a sucker for those incredible Pure Michigan commercials. Every time I hear them I want to immediately shut down my computer and escape.. to Pure Michigan! That’s exactly what we did this long weekend.

We escaped to Ann Arbour, Michigan where, much to my daughter’s delight, we discovered the town is over-run with fairies 🙂 Or fairy doors I should say.

About 10 years ago, these cute doors started popping up in downtown Ann Arbour and tourists have been checking them out ever since. We followed the public map .. and there was even some secret fairy doors that we discovered. I guess those fairies just moved in!

Thanks Tim Allen… your commercials worked and we had an awesome time!!





Filed under: Fairy Doors, Long Weekends, Michigan, Tim Allen