Credit: City Of London Facebook Page
Credit: City Of London Facebook Page


The City of London is advising homeowners to use discretion if presented with information by door-to-door salespeople or telemarketers indicating that they are conducting water tests, and have an affiliation with the City.

Occasionally, City of London staff will contact homeowners regarding water quality issues. In all cases, our staff will have identification to verify that they are City employees – and on no occasion will City staff attempt to sell any product.
London’s drinking water is sourced from Lake Huron and Lake Erie and has been treated to surpass the quality standards set by the province of Ontario.

The Ontario Ministry of Consumer Services provides the following advice:

  • No door-to-door sales people are authorized to make a health-based test on your water.
  • Door-to-door water tests do not tell you about water safety.
  • Chemical trickery may make your water look brown, just because of natural mineral content.
  • If you have any concerns about water safety, contact your municipality or your local health unit.
  • If you believe you may have been misled by a door-to-door salesperson, learn more about your rights under the Consumer Protection Act.

If people are contacted for sales of products other than water, and the salesperson suggests they are affiliated with the City of London, the resident should check information on or call the City to confirm.

Filed under: City of London