Happy Earth Day!

Here’s an idea that, while it’s not likely you’ll grow a bumper crop of vegetables in your house, it could be a great teachable moment for the kids.

And chances are you’ve got just what you need on hand right now.

How to grow vegetables from cuttings and scraps:

Grab shallow dishes or glass jars, and the bottoms ( at least 5 centimeters ) of as many vegetables as you want to grow. Some that work this way are romaine lettuce, celery, leeks, garlic, and green onions.




Place the vegetable ends in one of the dishes or jars that has been filled with water.  Then place each container in a spot in the house that has good light, in, or near a window.

From there just keep changing out the water each day, and watch for growth.

The kids will love it.

The only question now is, how big will they get?

Filed under: earth-day, grow-vegetables, vegetable-cuttings