Dr. Joyce Lock, Medical Officer of Health for Southwestern Public Health has confirmed the second positive case of COVID-19 in the region. A male in his 30s tested positive for COVID-19 after close contact with someone outside the region who has the virus. He is a resident of Oxford County.

This individual was assessed, tested and released by Woodstock Hospital where all appropriate infection control precautions were followed. He is now in self-isolation at home and being followed by Southwestern Public Health.

“We are following up with any contacts of the individual by telephone. You will receive a telephone call from our infectious disease team if you were identified as a close contact. In the meantime, this is a reminder that anyone can be infected at any age. Be vigilant in following guidelines outlined by the health unit and the Ontario Ministry of Health,” says Lock.

The best ways to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, are to:

• Practice physical distancing. Put two metres between yourself and others when you are out in the community.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub.
• Stay home if you’re sick.
• Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces daily. Use a disinfectant and follow manufacturer’s instructions.

In order to serve as a credible source of information for the community related to COVID-19, Southwestern Public Health updates its social media channels and website daily. If you think you may have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, first self-isolate and then use Ontario’s Self-Assessment Tool to see if you need to seek further care.

If you need further assistance, call TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or your health care provider

Filed under: covid 19, health-unit, Woodstock