This is the season to get a fire going (or put the fireplace channel on your iPad), snuggle up with some hot chocolate and break out some classic holiday movies!

To help get you in the holiday spirit, and to help us procrastinate cleaning up before we can set up the decorations, we put together a list of our favourite holiday movies.

1) ELF

How can you not love Elf? It’s been 15 years since it was first released but it’s still one of the best holiday movies out there! It’s also the reason we stick to the four main food groups; candy, candy cane’s, candy corn and put maple syrup on everything.

JACK FACT: 9 out of 10 dentists recommend this movie.



This movie is even older, it’s been almost 30 years since it was released but it still gets us in the holiday spirit. If you ever feel like your family is weird when you get together, watch this movie, you’ll immediately feel better. If it doesn’t make you feel better, than please invite us over, we’ll bring the popcorn!

Who is your favourite Griswold?


You can’t talk about holiday movies without talking about Scrooged! You’d have to think ghosts would be so sick of Bill Murray by the time this movie was released in 1988, but of course he knocked it out of the park with this re-imagined version of “A Christmas Carol” making this an instant holiday classic.



Home Alone… enough said. Because of this movie, we rarely leave our kids behind when we go on vacation! Where’s Sully? Has anyone seen Sully?



We’re not crying, you’re crying! It’s been scientifically proven that it’s impossible to see this 1994 remake without crying, seriously! Edmund Gwenn has got to be the best Santa Claus out there.



Yippee Ki Yay! The endless debate of whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. It’s better than Paul’s home movie’s he has labelled “Cry Hard”. He makes us watch them every year.

We believe you can’t have Christmas without Die Hard, but how about you? Either way, we had to include this classic in our list!

Do you agree?


Of course, every family has their holiday traditions, so tell us what movies we missed out on here. Let us know on Twitter @Jack1023Ldn.

Happy holidays!

Filed under: best-holiday-movies, christmas-movies, holiday-movies