Hasbro has  announced they are releasing five parody board games, j inspired by their classic games ClueThe Game of LifeMystery DateSorry! and Operation.  They’ve given the games a little cultural update and a sense of humour.


Each new game comes with a modern title, as well as a new game play and objective —

Clue: What Happened Last Night? Lost in Vegas, which doesn’t sound entirely unlike the plot of The Hangover. Six friends wake up to find one of their own missing from their hotel room after a night of too much partying.

Game of Life: Quarter Life Crisis which, has player managing crippling debt, family planning and other familiar everyday challenges like a botched tattoo job, dropping your phone in the toilet and calling in sick to work to get in eight extra hours of your favorite TV show.


Mystery Date: Catfished  has been crafted for the 2018 dater — which means wading through the questionable world of online dating and trying not to get catfished.


Botched Operation, you can practice the already-stressful task of removing the dreaded charley horse while performing a side challenge based on how you’re “feeling”

Filed under: Comedy, culture, Games