If you are a big Prince fan like myself you would know that his royal badness has 39 albums (which I own all of).   Most people only know his Warner 80’s early 90’s output but Prince had a ton of great albums post 1994.

Through the new deal with Sony and the Prince estate 23 of these (plus a bonus greatest hits album of these recordings) from 1995-2010 have now been released to streaming services.  This is amazing news for those of us who want to see all his albums in one place since many of the post 1995 albums were under several different labels.

The next step is to hopefully see vinyl and cd re-releases of these for my…I mean everyone’s archive!

Here they are…

1. The Gold Experience (1995) (The Most Beautiful Girl in the World greyed out, partial album streaming only; album unavailable for download)
2. Chaos and Disorder (1996)
3. Emancipation (1996)
4. Crystal Ball (1998)
5. The Truth (1998)
6. Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic (1999)
7. Rave In2 The Joy Fantastic (2001)
8. The Rainbow Children (2001)
9. One Nite Alone… (2002)
10. One Nite Alone…Live! (2002)
11.One Nite Alone…Live – The Aftershow: It Ain’t Over (Up Late with Prince & The NPG) (2002)
12. Xpectation (2003)
13. N.E.W.S. (2003)
14. C-Note (2004)
15. Musicology (2004)
16. The Chocolate Invasion (Trax from the NPG Music Club: Volume 1) (2004)
17. The Slaughterhouse (Trax from the NPG Music Club: Volume 2) (2004)
18. 3121 (2006)
19. Planet Earth (2007)
20. Indigo Nights (2008)
21. LOtUSFLOW3R (2009)
22. MPLSoUND (2009)
23. 20Ten (2010)
24. Prince Anthology: 1995-2010

Filed under: prince