Today on JACK Mornings with Curtis & Hilary, Loop admitted he woke up today and was convinced he had a ghost in his house.

When he came out of his bedroom the doors to both his sons bedrooms were shaking on their own. Here’s how it went down:

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Loop thinks he has a ghost! Here's why.

Originally Aired: May 18, 2018


We had a lot of texts from listeners around London who have experienced ghosts in their lives too.  Has anything like this ever happened you?


“I was woken one time by something and I thought it was one of my kids pressing my body into the mattress and I could move or say anything. Once the pressure was gone there was no one there and it wasn’t any of my kids.”


“A friend of mine that I grew up had an experience at his aunts house,  she lived in Lucan close to the Roman line he said that when he was trying to get to sleep he felt something sitting at the end of his bed let’s just say that he wasn’t able to get to sleep that night that scared him alot, Leah”


“I totally have a ghost My son was a twin ( lost him when I was 5.5 months pregnant ) He always has things happen to him a ball flying off a shelf or lights flickering etc…..I believe wholeheartedly that it’s his brother wanting to play ….this is going on almost 18 Years”


“My work has ghosts, a friend and I were working one night and we only had 3 clients in, all asleep. Now when one of the doors where I work closes you can tell which door it is because they have a very distinct sound. Around 10:45pm one of these heavy doors slams closed. We ran to the clients rooms to make sure they were asleep and safe and we found nothing. After we looked for a bit we went back to our office and then heard footsteps up and down the hall…….way to scared to check. But still freaks us to this day”