First off a disclaimer…I know nothing about fireworks but I know people love them so it seemed like something I should discuss.

There are two ways to see them…

Somewhere safe:

These are usually done in a public a location that are set off by professionals.  This weekend you can check out fireworks at Fanshawe Conservation Area on Monday!

Or at some dude’s house:

You hear them all through the neighbourhood and wonder…”who is setting off fireworks at midnight?”  If you are going to do this…here are some do’s and don’ts.

DO: Buy your fireworks from someone reputable.

DON’T: Buy them from a back of van from a slightly burnt guy named Vito.

DO: Check safety guidelines before lighting them.

DON’T: Light the wrong end because you didn’t read the safety guidelines.

DO: Shoot them into the sky

DON’T: Shoot them at your buddy dressed as Captain America…

DO: Set them off a safe distance from people.

DON’T: Forget to lock up your pet…

or set them off near your home…

DO: Use common sense and have a great time!