Welcome to another episode of THE QUICK AND THE DIRTY PODCAST.  It’s the stuff you talk about with your friends except we put it on the internet.  No regrets.

This week on THE QUICK,  Sandra wants to know if she’s a bad person because she’s going to a party specifically so lesbians can hit on her.  Yes she loves attention. . Hilary brags about her MC Hammer Onesie. Yes, you read that right. Is she fashion forward or is this is a fashion faux pas?  She also reveals the worst app EVER which, of course, she downloaded.

This week on THE DIRTY, Hilary and Sandra welcome Nick and Steph.  They’re a married polyamorous couple with a young family.   But don’t call them swingers…there say there’s a difference.  They’re open about their lifestyle and say it’s a marriage model that works for them.  

Among other things:  they have a conversation about monogamy and how cheating is becoming the norm.  Do they really think it’s unnatural to be committed to just one person sexually in a long term relationship?   And how do you raise kids in this environment? So many questions.


Listen HERE.

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Originally Aired: April 19, 2018


Books mentioned in the podcast:  Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha.


Find HIlary and Sandra on Social Media.


Hilary & Sandra








Facebook: @quickanddirtypodcast

Email: thequickandthedirty@gmail.com

Filed under: couple, Family, Love, Marriage, polyamory, Sex, swingers, The Quick and The Dirty