We all have our vices and for me (especially at certain times of the month!) it’s sweet velvety chocolate and every morning it’s gotta be a hot cup of coffee.  Today I discovered something on Twitter that is sending me searching for a new true love:

Is this true?  I have eaten about 400lbs of chocolate and enjoyed countless cups of coffee which means I have probably feasted on an entire colony of cockroaches in my life.
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In fact, most people who are allergic to chocolate are not actually allergic to the bean but to the other contaminants in the substance. According to an article by NBC news ” Allergists say most foods contain natural contaminants. Aside from chocolate, cockroach parts also make their way into peanut butter, macaroni, fruit, cheese, popcorn and wheat. The roach bits can affect people with asthma, as well causing migraines, cramps, itching or hives in people who are allergic to them. The first cockroach allergy was reported in 1943, and skin testing for cockroaches began in 1959. Cockroach allergies can be treated with allergy shots that contain trace amounts of the insect. ”

So the next time you bite into your delicious Cadbury Cream Egg or 70% Dark Chocolate, just remember the other 30% is probably contaminated with bugs.


Filed under: bugs, Chocolate, Cockroach, Food, gross, Roach