If you think pineapple on pizza is weird… you are really going to turn your nose up at these weird pizza toppings.

Apparently Oysters, mayonnaise and pickles are enjoyed on pizza. Seriously. No thank you.

According to a recent poll of 1,591 Canadian residents conducted for Little Caesars of Canada, even ice cream, chocolate or bananas are topping choices.


Respondents were asked to choose from a list that ranged from strange to sublime. Here were the findings of weirdest toppings:
· Ice cream 45%
· Chocolate 32%
· Bananas 32%
· Oysters 26%
· Mayonnaise 19%
· Fried eggs 17%
· Pickles 15%
· Spaghetti or pasta 14%
· French Fries 12%
· Hot dogs 12%
· Cheeseburger and fries 11%

Many respondents also listed their own bizarre toppings – including kippers, lettuce, sour cream, perogies, corn dogs, eel and peanut butter.

Yeah.. I’ll stick to my Classic cheese and pepperoni thank you very much!

What are the weirdest toppings you put on your pizza?


PS – Weekdays at 4:30pm you can WIN a JACKpot of Little Caesars pizzas with Loop





Filed under: pizza