Amazing news on this dreary Tuesday and no I don’t mean the fact that you got your older kids off to school fully dressed and with some assemblance of a lunch. But that’s also great news!

Baby friendly movies are back at Landmark Cinemas in London.
YES!!!!!! Every TUESDAY!!!

It’s for moms.. dads.. anyone who likes movies and babies.

When I was on maternity, this was my go-to guilty pleasure. 1pm on a Tuesday you would find me snuggling my boo and scarfing down popcorn enjoying an adult movie. No No.. not like an adult movie.. like a movie my 5 year would hate. This was MY TIME and I’m so happy it’s BACK.


Plus.. if you are at the movies.. there is a really good chance your tiny human isn’t doing this at home. #FML.

Check your location’s Showtimes page and look for movies with “Park-the-Stroller” added to the name.


Filed under: babies, dads can go too, MOMS, MOVIES, popcorn