It’s Episode 7 of THE QUICK AND THE DIRTY.

Hilary is back from her first vacation with the boyfriend and his children.  How did she navigate this new dynamic….and more importantly,  what were the sleeping arrangements?

Don’t you hate babysitting a drunk person?  Sandra had to handle her extremely drunk husband after a night out with the boys.  It did not go well.


This week’s DIRTY features a woman named Kim.   She spent four years inside a Florida maximum security penitentiary.  She talks about her crimes, how she’s turned her life around since being released in 2009, and what she’s learned.

She also reveals how she survived on the inside, and what you should never do or say.  

Also, you also won’t believe what one prisoner successfully smuggled into the jail,  and where she put it.   Come on, you know we had to ask.


(language warning)


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The Quick & The Dirty Ep. 7 - Kim in the Big House

Originally Aired: July 27, 2017



Check out Hilary and Sandra on Social Media.








Facebook: @quickanddirtypodcast


Filed under: criminals, Jail, kim-in-the-big-house, OITHB, penitentiary, prison, the-quick-and-the-dirty-podcast