Ah crap, the tough dating world just got even tougher if you don’t have one of these jobs.


According to the dating app Happn, these are the top ten ‘swiped’ professions by men and women looking for love. So, now, you gotta hope a potential match likes your profile pic, your love of crystals, 17 hour Netflix binges AND your profession?! Sheesh. Picky picky.


The good news is, in order to get the most desirable profession, it’ll only take another nine years of schooling and many zeros of student debt!


I must admit, I do know a few couples who are both lawyers and I can only imagine that they a.) Love each other sick, and b.) Have fantastic arguments.


~ Kiah (unedumacated, not on the list, married to a lawyer)

@kiahtucker on Twitter & Instagram and ‘Jack’s Morning Glory’ 6-10am on Jack 969


Filed under: app, Dating, happn, kiah-tara-jean, Love, Relationships