Thanks to some classics like Prince, The Beatles and David Bowie, vinyl album sales saw a surge in 2016!



According to a study completed by BuzzAngle Music, vinyl album sales saw a 26% increase in 2016, as compared to the year before!

The tip-top seller was Blurryface by twenty one pilots, with over 49,000 records sold, and some familiar faces rounded out the top five, like Amy Winehouse, Radiohead, The Beatles and Adele.


Take a look at the top 25 vinyl album sales of 2016:


Vinyl Sales Chart 4



Many of the albums to make the top 25 are classic titles, like Nevermind, Thriller and Abbey Road, but you can also presume the loss of some of these major stars in 2016 attributed to a boost in sales as well (Prince with Purple Rain and David Bowie, who made the list twice).

The highest selling genre was rock (20%), followed by indie rock and alternative. All in all, some good news for vinyl album sales, which experienced bigger growth than all other album sales, including digital albums!


(Note: this study was based on U.S. music consumption).



Filed under: Music, music-news, vinyl-album, vinyl-album-sales