We’re giving away 4 trips to Sandals South Coast on 1023 JACK and Curtis and I fly out for the live broadcast on Saturday so i thought I would share some of the tricks I use to make travel when you win a a little less stressful!

Make a list, or several.  
For this trip I started with a “to buy”, “to pack” and a “to do” list.  It really is the only way for a forgetful person like myself to make sure nothing important is left behind.

Roll rather than fold where possible.
Tuck small items in the dead spaces so the weight of your suitcase doesn’t shift.  Here’s a little video form Real Simple.

Bring a backup Carry On

Nothing can ruin a vacation like losing all of your luggage so I always pack a couple must haves for the first day on resort just in case plus the stuff you need to make flying comfortably.
Here’s what you’ll find in my carry-on

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Processed with Snapseed.

Know your limits!  
We are flying Westjet so they have a handy little video about carryons so check with the airline you are flying.   Also check to HERE to make sure you understand the limits for liquids and gels on carry-ons.