

Here are five things that are currently in development, and we can’t quite decide if they will be good, bad or ugly for the future.

Here goes!

  • Sony has developed a contact lens that is capable of capturing and recording video, all in the blink of an eye! What sets them apart from other patent pending technology like this, is that they have the capability to capture, but also store the video!

sony contact lens



  • This could be the next fitbit! A new skin patch is being developed that can monitor your health via tiny droplets of sweat. It works by monitoring your sweat for things like depletion of electrolytes by illuminating colours on the patch which can be analyzed through your smartphone. Stanford University developers expect that in the future, this will be able to help detect diseases, like diabetes or cystic fibrosis.
(J. Rogers, Northwestern University via CBC)
(J. Rogers, Northwestern University via CBC)



  • These headphones, called ‘Halo Sport’, are neuropriming. In layman terms, that means the headphones “increase the excitability of motor neurons during athletic training to improve strength, skill, explosiveness, and endurance…Halo Neuropriming technology puts the brain’s motor cortex in a temporary state of hyper-learning that lasts for an hour.” The website goes into greater detail about the science behind these enhancing headphones; check it out here.



  • Less of a product, and more of a service… Several of the big web players (Google, Facebook, etc.) and Elon Musk (pictured below) are vying to provide internet services to the entire world. Currently, only 47% of the world’s population has internet access, which makes this a massive opportunity for companies looking to grow their empire and could help to achieve the UN’s goal of getting 60% of the world online by 2020.



  • We all know kids are wizards with technology, but now there’s a start up company looking to create robots that can teach children computer programming. The technology, born at Harvard University, is called ‘Root – A robot to teach coding’. Soon kids will not only know how to work technology but program it as well! Take a look at how this works here.

Root Robot



Filed under: elon-musk, future, robots, sony, tech, technology