Sometimes Black Friday can be a bit of a frenzy! We know.

Allow us to show you how to be totally prepared, using pictures of cats (because, why not)!





  • Have a plan… or at least have a convo with your credit card about how you’re not going to go completely overboard!


*Idea: Put your balance on a sticky note, and stick it to your credit card… then you’ll think twice about that buy! *


  • Consider bringing a friend. There may be lines you need to stand in, times you need a second opinion, or someone to throw elbows while you score the deal! 





  • Speaking of crazy! Be prepared for that. Hopefully you can keep your own crazy at bay, but go in expecting a little from others.





  • Remember! If you wouldn’t brag about the sale to your mom, chances are, it’s not that good of a sale! What is 10% off, anyway?! 


  • Be kind. OR visualize fluffy little puppies to help keep your cool! Aw puppies! 




And there you have it! May the best deal hunter win! 

Filed under: black-friday, black-friday-sale, cats, retail, shopping