When we agreed a month ago to do Curtis & Hilary’s Fall Of Firsts we thought it would be great chance to step out of our comfort zones and try new things, even conquer our fears to inspire you,  our listeners to do the same. fall of first

A huge fear for a lot of people is heights and what better way to tackle them than to agree to jump from the high dive at The Canada Games Centre here in London.    I don’t think I ever expected it to make any real impact on anyone, boy was I wrong!  This was originally supposed to be about Curtis’s big fear of heights and I have NEVER been prouder of my awesome co-host for overcoming that.  I’ll admit it was tough for me to work up the courage to do this too,  not just committing to the big jump but also committing to bear all in a bathing suit, on Facebook live without any control over what was shown. My larger than life body out there on the internet for all the trolls to comment on but you push through and you just can’t  let your insecurities win. Later that night I got home and it was time to edit the footage and sitting there at the computer, looking at the footage I was being hard on myself and regretting the whole experience until I received what I would call THE MOST important email of my life and read it this morning on the show:

Play Pause

Hilary addresses body issues and a letter from a listener on wearing her swimsuit in a video.

Originally Aired: September 29, 2016

UPDATE:  I got Facebook message!  SHE WENT SWIMMING!!!!!

Want to check out the original big jump?  Here’s the video!


Filed under: Body Issues, fall of firsts, Health