Murtaugh and Riggs are back — and so is Damon Wayans.

On Wednesday, a new “Lethal Weapon” TV series premieres on City and Fox, providing a wallop of nostalgia with a reimagining of the beloved film franchise.

It’s also a bit of a flashback for Wayans, returning to a prime-time slot on the network that aired his hit sketch comedy series “In Living Color” in the ’90s.

The 56-year-old comedy star plays Roger Murtaugh, a Los Angeles detective back on the job after a heart attack. Clayne Crawford plays his new partner, Martin Riggs, an ex-Navy SEAL grieving the loss of his young wife and unborn child.

The Canadian Press recently spoke with Wayans about the drama series, reboots and diversity on TV.

CP: How did this come to be?

Wayans: I went into pitch a sitcom to Peter Roth at Warner Bros., and he said, “Before you pitch, I’m going to throw out two words: ‘Lethal Weapon.’ Huh, baby? Huh, baby?” And I was like, “Yeah, OK, that sounds good.” Then I read the script and I fell in love with the character.

CP: This is one of several time-honoured titles being brought back to television. What’s going on here?

Wayans: I just think that in this day and age, with the Internet and over-the-top entertainment, that it’s hard to get people’s attention. You have to do something to get people to go, “Oh, they’re doing that,” otherwise you get lost in the sauce. There’s too much variety. A name like “Lethal Weapon” gets people’s attention to at least give it a shot.

CP: We know you for being fun and hilarious. Do you still get to play a little bit on this show?

Wayans: Yes. In a drama like this, you need some levity, you’ve got to break the tension because too much drama is like, “Well why watch this? I can just turn on the news.” It’s entertaining and it’s really a character study. It’s a bromance and these guys are learning about each other and becoming brothers, basically.

CP: What have you had to do to prepare for the role?

Wayans: Almost die. (He laughs.) No, what did I do? You have to throw away what was done, in my mind, and treat it like Shakespeare, which is I have to interpret this character. Because if I try to be Danny Glover (the original Murtaugh) I will get destroyed in social media. So I have to give him something a little different … and it’s really about the chemistry between Clayne and I and convincing people that we like each other and will grow to become great friends.

CP: Why did you return to TV again?

Wayans: I like TV because it keeps me home (in Los Angeles). If this was shot in Chicago, I wouldn’t do it. I like being home and I like being able to see my grandkids on the weekend and my own children, sometimes.

CP: You have grandkids?

Wayans: Yeah, I have seven grandkids and they’re awesome.

CP: Where has time gone?

Wayans: I don’t know but the thing about it is, I don’t have to do anything to have grandkids. I sit at home and they just bring them to me: “This is yours.”

CP: “Lethal Weapon” is a good example of diversity on TV. Where do you think that stands? Do you have a sense of that?

Wayans: I’m happy to be working. The politics of that is, you know, when white people start telling me, “Man, it’s hard to find work,” then I’ll know it’s getting better. (He laughs.)

— This interview has been condensed and edited.

Victoria Ahearn, The Canadian Press