Turns out mom was right…..AGAIN!!!  Although annoying, your mom’s impossibly high standards may be the reason you didn’t grow up to be a failure in life.   In a study out of the UK, published in the Daily Mail they found that daughters placed under maternal pressure are actually less likely to experience teenage pregnancy, more likely to attend university and achieve better wages as an adult in the workplace.mother-1599653_960_720

Researcher Ericka Rascon-Ramirez said: ‘In many cases we succeeded in doing what we believed was more convenient for us, even when this was against our parents’ will. But no matter how hard we tried to avoid our parents’ recommendations, it is likely that they ended up influencing, in a more subtle manner, choices that we had considered extremely personal.

So thanks mom, even if we didn’t think it was helpful at the time.

Filed under: Family, Life, MOMS