Recently seen in Komoka, the Health unit is warning residents no to touch these fuzzy little guys.   hickory tussock moth or hickory halisidota are  mostly white, but have 4 black tufts along the middle of the back,  two near the front, and two near the back. These hairs cause itchy rashes (contact dermatitis) in many people, particularly those prone to allergies. These are moths are common in Eastern Canada and cause a skin reaction is similar to poison ivy and in some cases requires medical attention.



Hickory tussock moth caterpillars:

  • White and fluffy with black markings on back
  • Grow to 4.5 cm in length
  • Eats leaves of hickory, walnut, ash, elm and oak trees
  • Touching causes poison ivy-like rash


Filed under: bugs, Health, Nature