Crazy awesome stuff. This morning it was announced that Canada’s beloved Polka King Walter Ostanek  (81) was the grand prize winner in this year’s Dream Lottery winning $1,000.0000!!! Way to go Walter.


If you are from Kitchener Waterloo and spent too much time Oktoberfesting, you might know the name Walter Ostanek.. but for those that done. Here is 5 fun facts about the 81 year old who is the latest winner of the Dream Lottery.


Credit: Wikipedia
Credit: Wikipedia


He has 3 Grammys

Walter has 3 Grammys (1992, 1993, 1994) for Best Polka


You can see him live… at Marineland

  • Walter performs every day during the Kitchener Waterloo Oktoberfest in October.. and every summer he performs daily at Marineland


He’s from St. Catharines

  • Walter was born in Duparquet, Quebec in 1935, but his family moved to St. Catharines, Ontario, when he was a boy



He’s In A Bunch Of Halls Of Fames


There’s a Documentary About Him

  • Walter is the subject of the 2006 Bravo! network documentary The Cult of Walt: Canada’s Polka King




Play Pause

A Canadian Celebrity Won The Dream Lotto!!!! They Are A MILLION Dollars Richer!!!!

Originally Aired: July 12, 2016


Filed under: Dream Lottery, Walter Ostanek