Amanda from Promotions with contest winners Jacqueline, Olive, Scott, Sapphire, Cathy, Deborah, Michelle and Nathan


I thought I knew what we were getting in to with a Chef’s Table Dinner… but Restaurant Ninety One exceeded my expectations. What. An. Experience.

Over the course of the evening we feasted on 10 equally unique and unbelievable courses complete with fantastic wine samplings from Mike Buck (so you KNOW the wine choices were going to be on point). Yes – 10 courses. Each one a surprise.. each one better than the previous.

Sorry to rub it in, but these courses truly were as tasty as they were beautiful.. works of art that need to be shared with the world.


Course 0 – Amuse-bouche

Foodies know that any great meal could or should start with a single, bite-sized hors d’œuvre meant to awaken your taste buds… ours was a beautiful parship whip cream served with a cumin cracker. If this was Course 0.. I knew the night was going to be something special.


Course 1 – Salad of Alliums

Yes.. a fancy onion salad with scallions, pickled ramp, leek, and sweet onion. Each with their own taste – a perfect course 1. 9 to go.



Course 2 – Textures of Tomato

This was a show stopper and one of my personal favourite dishes. Tomato jelly, heirloom tomatoes… and wait for it.. tomato sorbet. So refreshing and so different. So many tomatoes with different textures. I’m in tomato heaven.




Course 3 – Spring Halibut

This dish was served with sweet pea purée, fennel, pearl onion petals, & seabuckthorn foam. Light.. delightful



Course 4 – Za’atar Lamb Loin

Our Za’atar Lamb Loin was served with with toasted pay, artichoke brig pile, pomegranate vinaigrette and grapefruit pearls.



Course 5 – Blood Orange Sorbet

Halfway through and our pallet get cleansed. 5 more to go.



Course 6 – Sous Vide Bison Striploin

A dish that speaks for itself.

Bison Striploin

Course 7 – Pomegranate Water Kefir

Cheers – sharing a toast with Chef Angela Murphy! What an inedible meal… now bring on the dessert.


Course 8 – Pre-Dessert

I want to live in a world where every meal comes with pre-dessert. At Restaurant Ninety One that’s a unique cheese plate with whipped triple creme Brie and sour pickled grapes… and edible flowers from Stratford.

cheese plate

Course 9 – Actual Dessert

Smoked Chocolate Mousse, strawberry sorbet, strawberry chips, stroke of ganache and chocolate dirt. A dessert worthy of 3 photos…. do I need to repeat that it was SMOKED chocolate mousse!!!!


Course 10 – A final taste send off

I believe the pastry chef said this was a “panna cotta” – a post dessert dessert but that may not be accurate. Forigve me, at this point of the meal I am in foodie heaven and barely remembered by own name. This delightful dished featured a liquid white chocolate shortbread base and candied mint picked that afternoon from the Windemere Manor gardens.

white chocolate shortbread base


Wine! Wine! Wine! Wine!

Thank you Mike Buck from Lifford Wines for bringing 4 incredible wines for us to sample. With Mike you know you are getting exclusive wines and incredible stories about the wineries they come from. I could listen to Mike talk wine for hours.




10 our 10 seems too low of a rating for this exquisite night out. This Chef’s Table Dinner Experience will be something we will remember for years to come.

Contest winner Jacqueline summed it up best when she said “This was the most fun i’ve ever had dining with 7 strangers!”

We may have started as strangers, but by the end of our Chef’s Table Dinner I felt like best friends with my new friends… Jacqueline, Olive, Scott, Sapphire, Cathy. Deborah, Michelle and Nathan!


– Amanda from Promotions



You can now book your own Chef’s Table dinner experience for 8 – 10 people at Restaurant Ninety One. Each Chef’s Table can be customized to an appropriate number of courses and wine pairings to suit your group.

Filed under: Chef's Table, Date Night, dinner, Foodie, Restaurant Ninety One, Windermere Manor