Noah Keeley spent more than a day outside the Centre Videotron in Quebec City, guitar in hand, in hopes of getting a good spot close to the stage for Pearl Jam’s show on May 5th. He spent the day rocking out on his guitar with other fans of the band waiting for the big night and little did he know, he was going to have a chance to play with his heroes in front of thousands of people.

At some point before the show, Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam’s lead singer had seen a message Noah’s parents sent the band that included a video of Noah and his dad Shawn playing “Sad”  one of Noah’s favourites.   After the fourth song of the concert, lead singer Eddie spotted Noah in the crowd holding a sign that said “1st show: ‘Sad’ makes me happy”, and made a point of welcoming him to the concert which would be cool enough but two hours later, Vedder asked the fourth-grader to hop on stage to play with the band!!!

Here is a video of the magical experience:

Filed under: Children, dream, Music, Pearl Jam