We ended up wanting to find out what the gender of our new baby was going to be due in April, of course hilarity ensued.
Our doctor typed us out a letter with the gender of our baby inside and sealed it up in an envelope. My wife then took that letter to a bakery to have a “reveal cake” made, where an ULTIMATE FAIL happened.
My wife said – “If it’s a boy, could you write BOY on the cake and if it’s a girl just write GIRL”
This is where there was some sort of misunderstanding!!
Hours later we open up a cake that said “BOY” – So excited we celebrated for about 30 minutes eating the cake talking names etc… when I said “Hey, lets see what it says in that envelope….”To which we found this –

CONFUSED???So was I!!!

I texted this picture to our doctor saying – “Ummm, what are we having?”

She replied – “You’re having a girl, I wrote the sister part, I have NO idea where the BOY came from!!”

So, for about 30 minutes we thought we were having a BOY – turns out it’s going to be a girl. Ecstatic non the less!

Something we could laugh about. But still wondering – what didn’t the baker understand?? I guess she only heard – “JUST WRITE BOY”….. and that she did!